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Felix Drags Dale Though the Marvel Universe

He loves the MCU. She doesn’t.

In the summer of 2018, in anticipation of what was then called 2019 Untitled Avengers Movie, Felix made Dale watch every one of the films in the MCU.

These podcast episodes are their adventures. Your heroes talk geography, rate the shirtless men of the MCU, address nitpicks you've never heard before, and occasionally detail Felix's dating life.

At the end of each episode, Dale rates the film on a scale of Batman v Supermans: Dawns of Justices, representing how many times better the movie they just watched is better than the movie Dale regards as the worst of all time. The scale goes from 1.5 (the lowest possible score) to infinity.

A flyer for Felix Drags Dale Though the Marvel Universe
A side-by-side set of photos of Micheal Douglas in Ant-Man, and Dale wearing a fake beard