Widget Satchel II: Return of Sprocket
Developed by
Sprocket is back!
In their previous adventure, mischief was a mere consequence of action, but in Widget Satchel II: Return of Sprocket, it's the main attraction!
Return to the Expedition's Station Wacouta ECR-III/7, and pounce from system to system in order to keep the humans busy, preventing them from upgrading the station's aging security system.
You mean no harm, but as a pet ferret who likes to get around unnoticed (see: Widget Satchel, available now for PC and Nintendo Switch!), a smooth operation is the greatest threat you've ever faced!
Tinker with things you don't understand!
With the unique hardware features of the Playdate handheld console, you'll:
- Disrupt the robot assembly line using the crank!
- Create radio interference with the microphone!
- Short out the gravimetric assembly with the accelerometer!
- Get your paws on that satchel, and fill it with widgets!
- ...and more!